F.C Barcelona

Hey guys! It's been a loooooong time since my last post haha. I've been busy this whole time. I'll tell you about it later. Actually I want to dedicate this post for my favorite football club ever. Yeah, I'm a girl and I love football. You have problem with that? LOL
Okay, my favorite football team is F.C Barcelona. Yup, Barcelona one of the biggest club in Europe and this year they win treble baby! I'm so happy!! Two treble in 10 years! What an achievement!
I want to tell you how the first time I'm fallin in love with Barcelona. When I was a kid, I forgot how old am I back then. Hmm, maybe 6 or 7 or later I don't know haha. So, here's the thing, you know Captain Tsubasa right? The famous cartoon in 90's? Yea, I'm falling in love with Tsubasa. I adore him. He was my idol. He was my childhood memories. He was the first inspiration for me to become a football player. Yeah, a football player. How silly is that? LOL.
My first dream is to become a football player like Tsubasa. I even practice football with my nephew for that dream! How motivated I am.

If you watch the cartoon or read the comic, you'll know that Tsubasa moved to Barcelona. And that's how the first time I know about Barcelona. Before that, my favorite club was Sao Paolo from Brazil. You know why I like Sao Paolo? Yup, because Tsubasa joined that team. So basically, I always love every club that Tsubasa joined. I almost loved Japan so much. It's funny how dumb I was back there hahaha. But I'm not dumb about being in love with Barcelona. It fells like Barcelona is..... I don't know. I can't explain what Barcelona meant to me, but I love Barcelona unconditionally.  Here's the pic of the Tsubasa in Barcelona and Sao Paolo

Cool right? hahaha. Thanks to Tsubasa who introduce me to Barcelona. Now, back to Barcelona. If you ask me who my favorite player, it would be Puyol he's the coolest captain ever. I love how he lead his team mates and how wise he is. He is the true captain ever. Sadly, he's retired now. But, he will always be in my heart and all of Cule hearts.

Talk about Barcelona captain, I want to give all of my respect and salute to Xavi Hernandez who moved to Qatar for the next season. You are legend. You gave Barcelona many trophies and tittle. You played for Barcelona your whole life and I understand if you wanna leave. I respect your decision.Even if your career in Europe is over, I will always hope the best for you. Gracias capita. Adios :)

Back to Barcelona, there was a young man who really interest me. I know you can guess who he is.. Yup, Messi. He is the most magical player I've ever seen in Barcelona and in the world. The first time I saw him played, I know he will be the best player in the world and yes it happened. I don't want to talk about the rivalry between him and Ronaldo, 'cause here's the thing: it's hard to compare who is the best, we can see they has their own skill. I love Messi but that doesn't mean I hate Ronaldo. I adore Ronaldo actually. He is an amazing player. And I hate how media talks about their rivalry like they hate each other. Huft, too much propaganda. My advice? Don't trust media 100%.

Back to Barcelona.
So, at the first months in the season, I'm not sure that Barcelona can win the tittle. As we know, Barcelona lost a couple times and there was a conflict between Lucho ( Luis Enrique) the coach and Messi. And how media talks about Messi want to move to Chelsea which is funny. Don't tell me you believe it.
In the other hand, Madrid with their great squad. They had Ronaldo, Benzema, Bale, and their newest player Toni Kroos and James. It made me scare as hell.
Luckily Barca can solve all their intern problems and end their season with a great achievement. I'm surprised with Suarez. How he manage to adapt with Barcelona style. I'm very happy for MSN (Messi, Suarez, Neymar) who surpass Benzema, Ronaldo, Bale/Higuain with 122 goals!! I have no idea how to express my happiness when they got their treble.

Here's a pic of MSN

and a pics at their Camp Nou celebrations

All I want to say is CONGRATULATIONS from my deepest heart. Keep your good work, keep your achievement, and your team work. I'll be here always support you. Not just me, but us. Cule.
Keep being the MES QUE UN CLUB!

That's all I wanna share with you with my-beginners-style-of-writing-which-is-filled-with-grammar-errors.Hahahaha. Sorry for all of you the grammar nazi, I'm still studying tho. haha.

Au revoir! Adios! Freilos!



                Who doesn’t know music? Music is one of the most important and powerful things in our life. Music is a kind of art that can be played and enjoyed by everyone. Music is composed in such a way consisting of rhyme, song, and harmony. Types of music in this world are numerous and various, some of them are jazz, blues, country, pop, and rock. Music made our life colorful. Without music, our life would be empty.  In general, music has a function to entertain. As the time goes by, we can learn that music has another function instead of entertainment. Somehow, music has an ability to adjust our mood. It shows that music has a big influence in our life. In my point of view, music has a potentials to help make the world better because of  3 reasons : music increase our intelligences, music gives strength and music bring peace.
            First, music increase our intelligences. Have you ever study while listen music? Scientist believe that music influence our brain as it increases our creativity and facilitates our learning process. As we know, music has positive impact toward right-brain which triggers the increasing creativity and skill. This ability is used to solve problems and make a decision. The increase in creativity may facilitate our learning process, for an example when we memorize alphabet by using a song. This method is proven to be an effective way to stimulate child in learning and memorizing. Another example, music can help us in our work. When we are working, we can complete our tasks more effectively with music. Actually it depends on type and goals of our work. If we forced to deal with some daily routine procedures connected with our job, then we want to make it as fast as possible. The most suitable to listen is music with fast rhythm. If we want to make some thoughtful and accurate work, we can listen deep and slow electronic music. In both cases music on background, helps to keep our concentration. The increase of our intelligences would encourage individual skill, make everybody more confident and stand out for themselves.
            Second, music gives strength. Music gives us the strength we need to push forward, to achieve our goals, and to believe that we have the power to change the fate of our world. There are so many inspirational songs like “When You Believe” from Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston. It says “Who knows what miracles you can achieve. When you believe somehow you will” It means that we have to fight for what we wanted. If we believe with our ability somehow we can achieve our dream. Another song called “Believe” from Justin Bieber says “It didn’t matter how many times I got knocked on the floor” and “Cause everything start from something”. It means that our dreams start from something that we fought for. Journey to achieve our dream won’t be easy.  If  we failed, try and try again.  It doesn’t matter how many times we failed because a failure is a start to be a winner. We can’t give up easily with our dream. That is how music gave us strength to achieve our dream.

Third, music brings peace. Music allow us to make sense of things. It enable us to express our self through the emotions that we are feeling. Through music, we are able to observe the world in a different light, which can be either negative or positive, depending our mood. Even if  we are depressed, music can bring a spirit from the notes and the lyrics. Music has an ability to combat depression as music notes can reduce the level of mental depression. Flat notes can stimulate brain resulting in calm feeling triggering sleepiness. That is why listening slow music makes us easy to seep. Furthermore, music can be very strongly linked to our emotions. Have you ever experienced the power of music to stir up emotional memories from our past? Actually, everyone can feel their past when they listen to their childhood song. It means that music can trigger emotional memories of peace, which in turn affected our mind and body. However, music by its own nature has specific qualities that can impose emotions in some predictable way. That is why we have to be aware of the soundtrack playing in the background of our life and see if we can create the ability to recall our emotions with scientific accuracy. That is why music bring peace in our life. Then we dare to say that music can and will positively affect peace in the world.

            In conclusion, music is not only to entertain, but also to increase our intelligences, gives strength and bring peace in our life. Music has the ability to influence our feelings and bring a motivation to our life. It depends on what kind of music that we want to listen. If we like to listen a good music with soft and cheerful beat, I believe it will positively affect for a better world. That is the ability of music that would help make the world better.

PS : This is my favorite essay. I wrote it based on my opinion and sources that i found in internet.


Hey fellas, mungkin agak telat nih gue nge post nya tapi karena gue gak ada kerjaan yaudah deh gue ngepost aja haha. Jadi kali ini, gue akan menceritakan tentang liburan UN gue dan temen-temen gue ke Anyer. Seru loh. Jadi tuh awalnya temen gue Rifki nyaranin untuk liburan di Anyer, akhirnya kita yang cewe-cewe nyari penginapan yang enak disana. Akhirnya kita menemukan villa yang pas namanya villa puri kosambi ini nih fotonya:
tampak depan

tampak samping

Itu dia foto villa kami. Jadi tuh kita berangkat ber 14 orang. 7 cewe dan 7 cowo. Ada Zsafhira, Dhiba, Wanda, Ana, Vina, Indah, dan gue. Kalo cowonya ada Rifki, Dafi, Akbar, Molly, Encek, Alvin, Ubay. Kita nginep 3 hari 2 malam. Dan itu seru banget. Walau ya penginapannya agak mistis, cuma kita berhasil melaluinya. Yang paling gue gasuka dari villa itu adalah di kamarnya suka ada semut gitu, terus kamar mandinya yang lumayan serem. 
Kita kesana naik Elf gitu, yang kita sewa. Kita berangkat hari senin dari jam 10 sampe sana jam 2 kalo gasalah. Tapi sampe sana kita gak langsung ke villa yang itu, kita mampir dulu nyari villa lain karena sebelumnya pas gue liat tentang testimonial villa itu engga banget deh katanya jelek dan segala macamnya. Tapi yaa walaupun gak bagus-bagus amat tp lumayan deh buat liburan. Oh iya, depan villa kami itu langsung pantai tapi sayangnya ada banyak karang jd kalo mau berenang harus melewati karang itu dulu. Tapi sebenernya gak ada yang mau berenang disana juga sih soalnya udah ada kolam renang. Tapi plus nya enak loh pas sore pas air surut itu kita bisa jalan ke dermaga jd jalan diatas karang gitu dan itu enak banget sayangnya saat itu gua gak ada sendal jadi gamake sendal dan itu lumayan sakit karena bawahnya karang-_-

Ini foto kami ber14:

Walau 3 hari 2 malam itu bisa dibilang lama tapi buat gue itu rasanya bentar banget. Soalnya kita seru banget disana, makan masak sendiri, mandi bareng, tidur bareng, kebersamaannya dapet banget deh. Kita bbqan bareng, makan bareng. Liburan yang gaakan dilupain deh pokoknya walau gua sempet galau disana tp dihibur oleh mereka. Walau ada yang ngambek tapi akhirnya bisa gak ngambek lagi. Walau ada yang jeles-jelesan gajelas gitu ada yang takut-takutan semuanya kita lalui bersama dan semoga kita bisa liburan bareng lagi suatu saat nanti.
See all of you in the next summer paradise :D

Hari Baru

Hai semua, gue gak sengaja namain post baru ini dengan nama "hari baru" karena pada saat gue menulis ini gue juga lagi mendengar lagu hari baru dari ran. Gitu deh, cuma post kali ini bukan tentang lagu itu loh. Gue mulai sadar kalau sekarang saatnya untuk move on, akhir-akhir ini gue cuma stuck di satu tempat. Gue cuma kayak ngulangin masa lalu gue yang dulu gitu deh. Dan, walau dicegah kayak apapun, emang keulang lagi masa lalu gue yang pahit itu.
Gue mulai berpikir bahwa, gak ada gunanya buat gue yang sekarang untuk tetep termotivasi dengan satu orang yang bahkan gak pernah melihat gue. Maksudnya ngeliat gue tuh, ya gitu deh susah untuk dijelasin. Gak ada gunanya juga gue melakukan sesuatu buat orang yang kayak gitu, bahkan dia aja gak peduli. Yap, dan mulai sekarang gak ngelupain juga sih cuma gue gaakan kaya yang  dulu. People grown up, gue gabisa percaya lagi sama setiap film-film atau kartun yang menayangkan bahwa setiap pahlawan di film/kartun itu akan terus menang, reality suck guys.
Bahkan sesuatu yang kalian perjuangkan dengan susah payah pun kadang gak bisa berhasil. So, gue bakal membuka hari baru mulai dari sekarang, melupakan yang lama dan gue bakal rising lagi. Selalu ada cerah dibalik gelap. Selalu ada hikmah dibalik kejadian. Dan selalu ada semangat dibalik kesedihan :)


Hey guys! It's me again. Right now, I want to share my new stories. Still remember about the rough day in my last post? Now I just realize that is not rough anymore. 
When I face it, it's not rough like I thought before.  Maybe I just afraid. 
And someone remember about a word "You don't deserve the best if you not try to". That's make me realize that I'm not eligible for it. But someday I believe that I'm appropriately eligible for it. Just wait for me okay? :D

Rough day

Hey guys! This is my new entry in 2013. Happy new year for all of you! :)
I want to share my story in this new entry. Some rough story. So here it is.
Have you ever consider how much imagination and dreams consume you? I mean, we live in the real life, but sometimes I think that I can get everything in easy way. But, i have to face my real life. It's a rough one.
So, lately I've been thinking about something. I'm not sure I'm ready for it. But I can't give up on it. I have to fight for it. But I don't have power. I have so many weakness, which make me very hard to be what am  I wanna be. I just wan to dream, but I can't make it real.
Someday, I heard a quote from Disney. It says that "If you can dream it. You can do it" But, who knows? I mean, it's depends how we fight for it. If you just dream it, so what? Nothing happen in your life. I love that quotes, but I realize that how much i dream it, it can't be a guarantee for me to achieve my dreams.
I'm not fearless like i want to be. I just scared for everything. And i don't know how to fix it.

Kiss Me

"Kiss Me"
by: Ed Sheeran

Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

And your heart's againts my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Oh no
My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything
From hate to love
From love to lust
From lust to truth
I guess that's how I know you
So I hold you close to help you give it up

So kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love
