Winner or Loser?

6:47 PM 0 Comments

Actually, everyone prefer to be a winner than a loser. Who want to be a loser? Nobody. But now, I just thinking about how a loser became a winner. Do you believe that? If you ask me, actually I say YES. Sometimes, be a winner changed us to be arrogant, jerk, or anything like that. Except if you can calm yourself that you're not perfect at all. You must remember, there are so many people in this world who better than you. You can't even beat everyone. So, what the hell that make you think you are perfect? Keep humble, keep humble, down to earth! Because, who knows? That someone you think a loser can beat you someday. Everything can happen. And, do you know why a loser became a winner? Because they have one thing. One word. One hope. Motivation. If you fail, so get up! If you insecure, look through your world you're not alone. You have God, family, friends. And if you think you are a loser. Find your motivation here, and get your dream back. Don't ever change.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

