A simple letter

12:07 AM 0 Comments

            I wanna share something. It's about orange. Her name is not orange. I just love to call her orange. I meet her in 2007. She's like my inspiration. I don't really like a fans or something like that. I just wanna be someone who can defeat her. I meet her at basketball hall. That's the first time I saw her. She wore a blue costume, number 12. Same as my costume number. She's awesome. I can't steal the ball from her. She defeat me. The second time I meet her is when there was an Independence Day in my country. That was a basketball event. I meet her again. But I don't really recognize her. Oh ya, I meet her again in Point Square. And the last time I saw her is where there was an event in our basketball club.The last time. And still can't defeat her.

           She's my motivation to be better and better. Since now. I just looking for her since the last time. And I finally found her in this year. Maybe it's gonna be why I love this year.

            There was an another basketball event when I meet her again. When my game's finished. I saw others team match. Actually I want to go home badly. I'm so tired. But when I saw her moves. I choose to stay. I remember that moves. It reminds me about someone who always be my motivation since 2007. I ask my coach who is her name. And yap. It's her. I don't really sure. I don't remember her face. But, I know her moves. How you change so fast.

            I can't share everything. But she's always gonna be my motivation. I promise myself, someday I'm gonna standing tall. Since she watch me. And when the time's come, I'm gonna defeat her.

             Guess what? It's 7th July! It's her birthday! Her sweet seventeen birthday. I just wanna say, wish you all the best, wish your gonna be better and better, long life, and there was so many people who adore you. Like me. But, remember you must keep down to earth. Keep humble. Don't ever change. Oh ya, Congratulation for you being All Star in DBL. Maybe it's gonna be your birthday present. You deserve it. I'm so proud of you. Maybe I'm just a crazy girl who so annoying. But, someday I gotta defeat you! Maybe I can't back at the past and change everything. But I'm here. Starting today. And make a new ending. I never been afraid to fail! I promise to you know! Haha.

             And if you read it sorry for everything maybe I'm disgusting. But I just wanna you to know hehe. Thanks for being my inspiration.

Thanks for everything :)


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

